
Our staff are experts in their field, working together professionally and enthusiastically.

We provide high quality opportunities for continuous professional development, promote action research and use evidence based practice to enrich our own learning.

We aspire to be national leaders for school to school support and outreach so that other children with SEND benefit too.  

To contact any individual members of staff, please contact the school office or send a letter in to school.

Senior Leadership Team

Lisa Leonard


Luisa Vecchio

Deputy Headteacher

Claire Dawes

Director of Inclusion

Louise Clarke

Assistant Headteacher

Kasia Stern

Assistant Headteacher

Sarah Foster

Director of Operations

Jemma Kirby

Director of Safeguarding & Mental Health

Extended Leaders

Emily Critchley

Leader Practitioner

Diane Clarke

Lead Practitioner Phase 3

Lauren Wilson

Lead Practitioner Phase 1

Sally Davidson

Leader Practitioner Early Transitions

Michaela Read

Leader Practitioner
Quality of Education

Jo Scott

Lead Practitioner
Careers & Voc Ed

Carys Senior

Lead Teacher

Middle Leadership

Duncan Choosey

Lead Teacher
Phase 3

Laura Wheeler

Lead Teacher
Phase 3

Mark Bodsworth

Lead Teacher
Phase 2

Gosia Sojka

Lead Teacher
Phase 2

Lauren Walmsley

Lead Teacher
Phase 2

Rebecca Harris

Lead Teacher
Phase 1

Rebecca McCann

Lead Teacher
Phase 1

Nina Stolikidou

Lead Teacher
Phase 1

Lauren Massey

Lead Teacher
Early Transitions

Ever since James started at The Chiltern School he’s been like a different person. He loves school and can’t wait to get there everyday. We’ve seen such a massive change in his behaviour and outlook.