Semi-Formal Curriculum

The Semi-Formal Curriculum at The Chiltern School is based on a developmental continuum from the Informal and Formal curriculum, with pupils typically working between Band 3 (developmentally 18 months-3 years) and Band 4 (developmentally 3-5 years).  

The bespoke frameworks enable teachers to use concrete resources that are developmentally appropriate to support personalised learning.  The frameworks offer ways in which our learners can become as independent as possible by ensuring that the delivery is meaningful, functional and transferable. It is often delivered through a play based approach or practical activities as pupils move though the phases of the school. 

Pupils will access a variety of subjects woven through their day such as English and communication, maths, understanding the world, Physical Development, RSHE, Personal Development and Creativity. Some of these subjects are taught through a topic based approach and others in discrete lessons. Pupils revisit skills and knowledge in order to support generalisation and to encourage  them to be used in real life,purposeful  situations.

Pupils also access forest school and enjoy learning outside where possible.  

Approaches such as Attention Autism and Intensive Interaction are used to promote and develop the fundamentals of communication and attention, listening and turn taking skills. The day is structured to support organisation and routine with young pupils having visual timetables and schedules in place to support this.

“Collectively, staff work well together across the two sites of the school”.
Ofsted, 2017