Phase 3

We believe that all our young people need a set of skills and attributes that will prepare them for adult life, further learning and employment. With this in mind the outcomes from the ‘Preparation for Adulthood framework’ are mapped and threaded throughout our programme to enable pupils to experience outstanding opportunities for future planning, transition and progression. Pupils have access to a programme with meaningful opportunities that address the learning needs in an individualised way, as they prepare for adulthood.

At the Chiltern School we deliver the Preparing for Adulthood programme designed by NDTi. The aim is to support young people into adulthood with a range of skills that can lead to paid or voluntary employment where appropriate with an understanding of good health, independent living, and friends, relationships and community inclusion. 

Learning has three main areas of focus: key skills, vocational education, personal development and independence. These are taught throughout the curriculum and linked across all subjects. The principles of the Gatsby Benchmark underpin all aspects of the provision, ensuring that pupils are equipped, as far as possible, to make informed decisions about their future next step. 

Here is a link to a fuller explanation of our curriculum offer in Phase 3. 

“In a short space of time, the school’s new headteacher has sensitively galvanised the whole school into action. The clear direction given to the senior leadership team is having a very positive impact”.
Ofsted, 2017