
At the Chiltern School, we update parents on their child’s attendance half termly. In line with other schools, our attendance target is 95%. It is important to note that although 90% is a good score in most things, with regards to attendance it is not, a child attending 90% of the time is considered to be persistently absent and we are required to liaise with the local authority where these children have unauthorised absence.
All pupils are expected to be in school, unless there is a significant reason for them not to be, for example; being contagious, having a temperature and being too unwell for example with sickness and diarrhoea. 

If your child arrives late to school, please ensure that they register at reception before going to class. 

If your child is going to be absent, please use our new app called Studybugs to report your child’s absence. Get the app or register now (Studybugs – Parents). Alternatively, you can use the Studybugs website if you aren’t able to download the app. If you require any support to access or install the app please contact 

If we have not been given a reason for absence , we will contact parents through Study Bugs and via email. This will be followed up with a phone call if we do not receive a response

If your child has a medical appointment, please send a copy of your child’s appointment letter to or bring a copy into school and we will photo copy it for you. We recognise that many of our pupils have repeated medical appointments that they must attend and these absences will be authorised where medical evidence is provided.
In the rare instance that your child is absent for three days, the class teacher will contact parents and carers to discuss a plan for your child’s return. This is to plan for any concerns that your child has whilst being out of their routine, to make sure the child feels safe and able to get back into school and manage getting back into their routine. In order to support the pupil returning to school, reasonable adjustments can be made at the discretion of the Teacher and Senior Leadership Team.
“In a short space of time, the school’s new headteacher has sensitively galvanised the whole school into action. The clear direction given to the senior leadership team is having a very positive impact”.
Ofsted, 2017